Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Technological Philosophy

Wordle: ETEC-524

Philosophies of a teacher’s educational view have a tendency to come and go throughout time in their career. Life just changes as well as philosophies! However, a technological philosophy might be more stable and durable throughout our teaching careers. Technology is one of many important wheels that turns the heart of knowledge for students, teachers, and administrators. It embraces the educational learning that produces greater success and leads to being more productive. It also allows teachers to be better expositors of their subject matter by using technological advancements such as PowerPoints, spreadsheets, databases, and other software inventions which improve their own pedagogy of teaching.

As a believer in using science, the scientific method, and newly upgraded technologies in the classroom, I believe these are fundamental subjects for every student and should be taught in every grade level from K-12. All students should be introduced to a practical knowledge of these subjects and be held accountable for this information. This will allow them to learn rudimentary concepts and apply them every day in our technologically challenging society. Good moral values should be established to produce good character development in each student so that technology will be used in a careful and mature manner. Authors like Ron Edmonds, Larry Lezotte, and Terrence Deal should be required reading assignments for all teachers, new or seasoned. These authors have established some educational norms and present excellent statistical data for teachers; hence, helping teachers become masters. Along with applying their do's and don'ts, teachers can be very successful in our modern classroom setting. In essence, I subscribe to the realist way of thinking and am a supporter of Informating. Teachers must always be an initial part of the process dealing with technology because they have been trained with the proper pedagogy. Yes, I know, students often have more of a grasp in this area, but they don't have the know-how of using proper pedagogy to get premium learning results.

If our technological philosophy changes throughout our careers, and more than likely it will, it should be aided with statistically verifiable facts that a change is needed. If a change is needed, changes must be made in alignment with sound educational pedagogy. If proper pedagogy can be established for your newly changed philosophy, keep it in alignment with good sound research authors, like Larry Lezotte, Ron Edmonds, and Terrence Deal. They are solid rocks for a fundamental educational process in today's society.

-Richard White